Possessive pronouns exercises.
Task 1. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.
His Their Her
This is my mum. _________ name's Jess.
These are my sisters. ________ names are Mary and Dina.
These are my parents. _________ names are Tanya and Bob
This is my cousin. _________ name's Helen.
This is my cousin. ______ name's Fred
These are my sisters. _______ names are Tina and Nina.
This is my aunt. _______ name's Pam.
Task 2. What is Molly Adamauer saying? Add my, your, his, her, our or their.
_____ first name is Molly. _____family name is Adamauer. What about you? What's _____ first name? And what's ______ family name? I'm married. You can see _____ husband in the picture. ______ name is Aisek. We've got one son and one daughter. ______ son is 21. _____ name is Nickolas. _______ daughter is 24. ______ name is Emy. Emy is married. _____ husband's name is Bred. Emy and Bred have got two
Absolute possessive pronouns exercises.
Task 3. Insert absolute possessive pronouns.
Jason: Whose sunglasses are these?
Kate They're Amy's, I think. Yes, they're (1) _______.
Paul: Whose baseball cap is this?
Amy: That's (2) ______ too! Thanks.
Kate: Ugh! Whose dirty towel is this?
Jason: Ask Paul. I think it's (3) __________ .
Paul: Yes, it is. Thanks. You've got a great T-shirt, Amy!
Amy: Thanks. I borrowed it from my big sister. So it's (4) __________ really.
Jason: What about this umbrella?
Paul: Don't be silly, Jason! You brought it, so it must be (5) __________.
Kate: Does this beach ball belong to us?
Jason: No, it isn't (6) __________. Those kids over there were looking for a ball, so it's (7) _________ probably.
Task 4. Choose the right pronoun.
Is this yours / your daughter?
It's theirs / their problem, not our/ours.
It's a good idea of your / yours to go to the bar tonight.
Are these her / hers shoes?
We're going swimming with some friends of our/ours.
Is it yours / your article about spiders? -No, it's not my / mine.
We know their / theirs address but they don't know our / ours.
That's not my / mine wallet. Mine / my is black.
His cottage is bigger than her / hers but her / hers is nicer.
My / mine parents live in Vitebsk region, and your / yours?
Task 5. Complete the conversation with the correct possessive pronouns.
Tim: Whose CD is that?
Jenny: The Britney Spears CD? It's (1) _______ . It's (2) _______ favourite CD.
Tim: It's (3) _________ too. Is this Kylie Minogue CD (4) ________ too?
Jenny: No, it's (5) ________ sister’s. And those on the table are (6) ________ too.
Tim: There's a Beatles CD on the table. Does she like The Beatles?
Jenny: No, she doesn't. But (7) _____ parents love them. All the Beatles CDs are (8) ______.
Tim: Can I borrow this one, or is it (9) _________ sister's? Jenny No, it isn't (10) _________. I'll have to ask (11) _____ brother. That CD is (12) _______.
UNIT 2 What We Like Steps 1-7
1. Распредели слова из рамки по трем столбикам в зависимости от произношения ударных гласных.
our, bear, chair, eat, flowerbed, there, read, shower, speak, teach, their, tower, these, evening, parents, flower
[ auə ] [eə] [ i:]
________our_______ _____bear_________ ______eat_______
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
2. Распредели глаголы в третьем лице единственного числа по трем столбикам в зависимости от произношения окончаний.
eats, speaks, meets, reads, teaches, rides, sings, swims, cooks, feeds, runs, jumps, likes, kisses, sleeps, plays, sits, helps
[ s ] [ z ] [ iz ]
_______eats________ _____reads_______ ____teaches____
__________________ _________________ _______________
__________________ _________________
__________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
___________________ __________________
3. Напиши данные словосочетания с существительными в единственном числе
1. black cats - a black cat
2. nice mornings - __________________________________
3. pink tulips - _____________________________________
4. purple plums - ___________________________________
5. thick books - _____________________________________
6. young kings - _____________________________________
7. big birds - ________________________________________
8. brown cows - _____________________________________
5. Напиши данные словосочетания во множественном числе.
1. a red kangaroo - red kangaroos
2. a good parent - ______________________________________
3. a big wing - _________________________________________
4. my chair - __________________________________________
5. his grandparent - _____________________________________
6. a red rose - __________________________________________
7. a blue lake - _________________________________________
8. an English pupil - _____________________________________
6. Соедини прилагательные и существительные так, как тебе кажется правильным и заверши предложения с помощью получившихся словосочетаний.
purple shower
brown flowers
cold tower
old teddy bear
white chair
funny bear
например: cold shower
1. My father takes a cold shower in the morning. 2. We have nice _____________________________ in the flowerbed. 3. Mary has a cute _______________________________ and she likes it. 4. I can see an ___________________________ on the hill. It is very, very old. 5. Rick has a white bed and a ___________________________ in his bedroom. 6. Thisbig _____________________________ isyoungandstrong.
8. Заполни пропуски подходящими по смыслу местоимениями.
9. Заполни попуски подходящими по смыслу местоимениями.
1. This is Ann. __Her___mother is very nice. 2. These are Tom and Sid. _________ father likes to cook. 3. I am Mary. ________ sister teaches English. 4. They are Alice and Bob. ______________ house is by the lake. 5. This is Polly. ____________ parents run in the morning. 6. This is Ben Brown. __________ dog likes to swim in the lake. 7. They are Steve and Betty. ________ cows are red and brown.
10.Посмотри на картинку и закончи предложения, в которых мальчик по имени Марк (Mark) представляет членов своей семьи.
1. This is my father. His name is Jake. 2. This is _____ mother. _______ name is Rose. 3. This is _____ little sister. _______ name is Sally. 4. These are my grandparents. _________ names are Don and Meg. 5. This is _______ dog. _________ name is Rex. 6. This is _______ cat. ______ name is Bess.
13. Закончи предложения, используя глаголы из рамки
play, sleep, feed, help, run, read, ride, sit
Don_feeds__ his baby sister. 2. Bob _____________ in his bed. 3. Jane ____________ with her toys. 4. Len __________ his new bike. 5. Meg _________ a new book. 6. Liz __________ by the lake. 7. Ron _________ his mother in the kitchen. 8. Rose _________ by t he window with her English book.
14. Напиши 7 предложений о том, что делают эти люди днем.
In the afternoon
Ann and Linda
Alex and Rick
Tom and Meg
meet/meets her little sister
help/helps in the kitchen
cook/cooks fish
sleep / sleeps
read / reads books
play/plays games
teach/teaches English
In the afternoon Helen meets her little sister.
15. Закончи предложения, используя нужную форму глагола – like или likes.
1.Jack ___likes____ to cook. 2. Betty and Will __________ their little chimp. 3. Henry ________ to play with his toys. 4. Jane ________ her brown teddy bear. 5. Jake and his father _________ to ride their bikes in t he park. 6. My parents _________ to sit by the lake in the evening. 7. Ann and Mary __________ to speak English. 8. Nick ________ to teach English.
16. Напиши, что любят эти животные. Слова из рамки тебе помогут.
bananas, apples, milk, fish, bones
1.Cats like ____________________ .
2. Horses ______________________ .
3. Bears _______________________ .
4. Chimps ______________________ .
5. Dogs ________________________ .
17. Посмотри на таблицу и напиши, что нравится этим людям.
Sit under the tree
Play football
Read books
Swim in the lake
Sing songs
1.Jake likes to run by the lake.
2. __________________________________________________________ .
3. __________________________________________________________ .
4. ___________________________________________________________ .
5. ___________________________________________________________ .
6. ____________________________________________________________ .
7. ____________________________________________________________ .
8. ____________________________________________________________ .
18. Составь и напиши предложения со словом very.
1. this old song / good – This old song is very good.
2. the king and the queen / sad – The king and he queen are very sad.
3. her parents / happy - ________________________________
__________________________ .
4. the tower / old - _____________________________________
__________________________ .
5. the red flowers / nice - ________________________________
__________________________ .
6. these teddy bears / cute - ______________________________
__________________________ .
7.the clown / funny - _________________________________
__________________________ .
8.their wings / big - ____________________________________
___________________________ .
19. Составь и напиши предложения со словомwell.
1. my sister Lizzy / run - My sister Lizzy runs well.
2. Sam and Will / play ping-pong - _______________________
_______________________________________________ .
3.his father / cook fish - _____________________________
_______________________________________________ .
4. the little chimps / jump - ____________________________
_______________________________________________ .
5. Mary / ride her horse - _____________________________
_______________________________________________ .
6. the pupils / sing English songs ______________________
__________________________________ .
7.These students / speak English - ______________________
______________________________________________ .
8.My parents / swim - _________________________________
_______________________________________________ .
20. Закончи предложения, используя слова very или well.
1. Jim isvery nice. 2. My mother cooks _well_ . 3. We are _________ happy: we have a ___________ good bike. 4. They can read ________ . 5. Will and mark can sing _________ . 6. This pig is ________ big. 7. Dan can swim and run _______ . 8. I can see those trees ________ . 9. Thehousesare ________ old. 10. Thisbirdis ________ funny.
21. Напиши, что эти люди умеют делать хорошо, очень хорошо или не очень хорошо. Используй well, verywellилиnotverywell.
1. Jack / read English books - Jack reads English books but not very well.
2. Ann / sing - ____________________________________
___________________________________________________ .
3.Mrs Green / teach English at school - ___________
____________________________________________________ .
4. Jim / swim - ___________________________________
___________________________________________________ .
5. Henry and Ann / play ping-pong - _________
__________________________________________ .
6. Dick / ride a bike - ______________________
___________________________________________ .
7.Maggy / jump - __________________________
____________________________________________ .
8.Bob / speak English - _________________
___________________________________________ .
9. Rex / run / jump - ____________________
__________________________________________ .
10. Mark / cook - _________________________
___________________________________________ .
22. Закончи предложения, вставив to, где необходимо.
1. She likes to eat apples. She can _-__ many apples. 2. Dan likes _____ speak English. He can _____ speak English but not very well. 3. The boys like ______ swim in t he lake. They can ____ swim very well. 4. I like ____ kiss my mum good-bye. 5. Ben can _____ teach French well. He likes _____ teach pupils. 6. They like ____ sit by the lake in the evening. 7. Greg can _____ cook fish very well. He likes ____ cook fish.
23. Заполни пропуски в предложениях, выбрав правильные формы глаголов в скобках.
Jack and his Family
Jack (1) (have / has) __has___ a family but it (2) (am/is/are) ________not very big. He (3) (have/has) ________ a mother, a father and a little sister. His mother(4) (am/is/are) _______ a teacher. She (5) (teach/teaches) _________ English at school in the morning. In the evening she (6) (read/reads) __________ books and (7) ( help/helps) __________ Jack with his English. His father(8) (am/is/are)_______ a cook. He can(9) (cook / cooks) ________ very well. In the afternoon Jack and his father (10) ( like/likes) __________ to swim and ride bikes in t he park.
24. Напиши, что ты умеешь делать хорошо, очень хорошо и не очень хорошо. Используй слова из рамки.
swim, cook, sing, ride a bike / a horse, jump, read Russian / English books, run, speak Russian / English,
play the piano/ video games
Образец:I can read Russian books well. I can speak Russian very well. I can swim but not very well.
1. __________________________________________________ .
2. __________________________________________________ .
3. __________________________________________________ .
4. __________________________________________________ .
5. __________________________________________________ .
6. __________________________________________________ .
7. __________________________________________________ .
8. __________________________________________________ .
9. __________________________________________________ .
10. _________________________________________________ .
Тест по теме
«Личные и притяжательные местоимения»
Переведи на английский язык:
он – 3. они – 5. я – 7. она –
мы – 4. ты – 6. оно – 8. вы –
Переведи на русский язык:
my – 3. our – 5. his –
your – 4. their – 6. her –
7. its –
III. Соотнеси личные местоимения с притяжательными:
1. I a. her
2. you b. our
3. he c. my
4. she d. their
5. it e. your
6. we f. its
7. they g. his
IV. Вставь подходящие по смыслу местоимения:
He is a boy. … name is Bill.
She is a girl. … name is Mary.
We have got a cat. … cat is grey.
What is … name? – My name is Tom.
Her name is Helen. … is nine.
I have got a dog. … name is Rex.
Mike has got two friends. … names are Ben and Bob.
Vanya and Sasha are pupils. … are clever.
How old are you? – … am ten.
I and Billy play in the park. … are happy.
V. Замени выделенное слово подходящими местоимениями:
1. Bob is clever.
a. His b. He c. She
2. Helen and Kate are from London.
a. We b. They c. She
3. Ann’s cat is white.
a. She b. Our c. Her
4. I and my friend like ice-cream.
a. We b. They c. Our
5. My friend’s name is Pete.
a. Its b. Their c. His
6. The dog’s name is Sharik.
a. Its b. Our c. Her
7. The children’s names are Vova and Dima.
a. Our b. They c. Their
8. My ball is big.
a. Its b. He c. It
9. My mother is a teacher.
a. My b. She c. Her
10. The friends are kind.
a. They b. We c. She
1. he 3. they 5. I 7. she
2. we 4. you 6. it 8. You
1. мой 3. наш 5. его
2. твой, ваш 4. их 6. её
7. его (неодуш.)
1с, 2е, 3g, 4a, 5f, 6b, 7d
1. His
2. She
3. Our
4. your
5. Her
6. Its
7. Their
8. They
9. I
10. We
1. b
2. b
3. c
4. a
5. c
6. a
7. c
8. c
9. b
10. a
Тест к уроку английского языка "Личные и притяжательные местоимения"
Грамматический тест(с ключами) по теме "Личные и притяжательные местоимения" для учащихся 6 класса(УМК " ENGLISH"). Тест состоит из 25 заданий.К каждому заданию даны три варианта ответа.Учащиеся выбирают правильный ответ и вносят его в таблицу,как это предусматривается в итоговых испытаниях по окончании 9 и 11 классов.
Тест: Личные и притяжательные местоимения
Choose the correct variant (Выберите правильный вариант ):
What colour is the car? – It is quite far, I can’t see _____ colour.
2. Pete, is it _____ book?
3_____ told me a funny story the other day.
a mine friend
of my friend
my friend
4. Why are you sitting here? It isn’t your place, but _____ .
5. Where is the cooler? – You are standing next to _____ .
6. On holiday I’m going to stay in _____ house.
7. I really love _____ here in Paris!
8. It is a very good project, but _____ is better.
9. Jack, Are you listening to _____ .
10. Every cat washes _____ face after eating.
11. _____ mind is not as quick as _____ tongue.
12. This is his “Jaguar”, and this “Harley Davidson” is also _____ .
13. Let’s send these flowers to _____ . I’m sure, she will be pleased.
14. _____ am your new teacher.
15. My children are very nice guys. But sometimes _____ are so naughty.
16. That is Mr. Smith. Can you see _____ well?
17. My pupils are so noisy, that I have to keep an eye on _____ .
18. My father likes to go fishing. I often join _____ .
19. Martha and Jane are good friends. People like _____ .
20. Our math teacher is very strict. We are afraid of _____ .
21. ____ car is much cheaper than _____ .
22. Jack always helps _____ wife to look after _____ children.
23. We should always remember _____ heroes.
24. Could you introduce me to _____ new friends?
25. _____ northern winters are so long and cold. But we got used to them.
КЛЮЧИ к грамматическому тесту: Личные и притяжательные местоимения
Местоимения в английском языке, как впрочем, и в русском, можно разделить на несколько категорий, первая из которых – личные местоимения.
Личные местоимения (Personal Pronouns) в английском языке имеют два падежа: именительный (Nominative Case) и объектный (Objective Case).
Не hoped that they would approve of his proposal. – Он надеялся, что они одобрят его предложение.
Where can he be? — I can't find him anywhere. – Где он может быть? — Я нигде не могу его найти.
Почитать о личных местоимениях, а также выполнить несколько упражнения на их отработку Вы можете в статье Личные местоимения в английском.
Каждому личному местоимению в английском языке соответствуют притяжательное местоимение. Следует помнить, что притяжательные местоимения в английском языке имеют две формы:
It’s not my umbrella, mine is yellow (my — определение, mine — подлежащее). – Это не мой зонт, мой – желтый.
I’ve left my mobile phone at home. May I use yours (my — определение, yours — дополнение)? – Я забыл свой мобильник дома, можно взять твой?
This is not my essay. I think it's yours (my — определение, yours — именная часть сказуемого). Это не мое эссе. Я думаю, это твоё.
Вы можете подробнее изучить правила употребления притяжательных местоимений, а также выполнить упражнения на притяжательные местоимения.
Класс местоимений в английском языке, также как и в русском, включает такие типы, как указательные и неопределённые местоимения, определяющие и отрицательные местоимения, возвратные и относительные местоимения.
Местоимения | Примеры |
this – these (этот — эти) that – those (тот — те) | Will you go to the seaside this year? – Ты поедешь на море в этом году? That dress cost $50. – То платье стоит $50. Everything is so expensive these days. – Все такое дорогое в эти дни. I’ll never forget those days. – Я никогда не забуду те дни. |
Предлагаю ознакомиться более подробно с указательными местоимениями, а также выполнить упражнения на this – these / that – those.
Местоимения (себя / сам) | Примеры |
| I can learn this myself – я могу сама это выучить. You can draw this yourself. – Ты можешь нарисовать это сам. Alex always repairs his car himself. – Алекс всегда чинит машину сам.
Больше примеров, а также упражнения на отработку возвратных местоимений – здесь.
Местоимения | Примеры |
1) some, any, something (что-то), someone (кто-то), somebody (кто-то), anyone (любой), anybody (любой), anything (что-то) 2) many, a lot of (lots of), plenty of, a great number of, (a) few (с исчисл. сущ.) 3) much, a lot of, plenty of, a great deal of, a large amount of, (a) little — (c неисчисл. сущ.) | Some people believe in life after death. – некоторые люди верят в жизнь после смерти. The rescuers noticed someone in the water – Спасатели заметили еще кого-то в воде. If you need any further information, please call me. – Если тебе понадобиться какая-либо дальнейшая информация – позвони мне. Heavy rain has been forecast in many areas of the country. – Сильный дождь предсказывали во многих регионах страны. Let’s sit down for a few minutes. – давайте присядем на несколько минут. You’ve got plenty of time, I think. – У тебя предостаточно времени, я думаю. |
Неопределенные местоимения в английском – довольно объемная тема, для изучения которой я рекомендую почитать следующие материалы сайта:
Местоимения | Примеры |
| He worked all his life in the mine. – Он проработал всю жизнь в шахте. Are you both busy today? — Вы сегодня оба заняты? There are shops at either end of the street. — Магазины есть на каждой стороне улицы. Everything is ready for the party. – Все готово к вечеринке. Can you pass me another piece of bread? – подай мне еще кусочек хлеба. He doesn’t care what other people think of him. – Его не волнует, что другие думают о нем. Each item is carefully checked. – Каждая деталь тщательно проверяется. Jane is cleverer than the other children in her class. – Джейн умнее других детей в классе. |
Определяющие местоимения в английском языке – тоже тема непростая и требует детального изучения. Пока на сайте grammar-tei.com еще нет всех статей по данной тематике, но я над этим работаю. Из того, что есть, рекомендую прочесть статью о местоимениях each и every.
Местоимения | Примеры |
| None of them took any notice of us. – Никто из них даже не взглянул на нас. It's not so easy to answer your question. – Не так просто ответить на твой вопрос. Neither Bob nor Tom solved the problem. – Ни Боб, ни Том не решили пример. No one can predict the consequences of global warming – Никто не может предсказать последствия глобального потепления. |
Местоимения | Примеры |
| I don't like the actress who plays the leading role in that new television drama. – Мне не нравиться актриса, которая играет главную роль в той новой телевизионной драме. The street in which I live is being reconstructed. – Улицу, на которой я живу, реконструируют. She looked unusually cheerful, which seemed rather strange to me. – Она выглядела необычайно жизнерадостно, что показалось мне странным. |
А теперь давайте попрактикуемся и выполним несколько упражнений.
Упражнение 1. Choose the correct form of the possessive pronouns (Conjoint / Absolute). Обведите правильный вариант употребления притяжательного местоимения.
Упражнение 2. Choose the correct variant from the given pronouns. Выберите правильный вариант употребления местоимений в английском.
Упражнение 3. Вставьте следующие местоимения в текст.
All (2), that (3), us, them, who, whatever, which (2), you, whom, we, me, little, this, his, him
We (1) ________ know (2) ________ video games offer (3) ________ the chance to do things we have never dreamt of doing in real life – slaying dragons, sorting shapes to make (4) ________ disappear. But, most games are packed with many rules (5) ________ are designed to restrict the player – and there is usually a central narrative (6) ________ you have to follow if (7) ________ want to see the end.
Look at RPG genre. Modern RPGs opt for a open-world approach to design, (8) ________ ostensibly allows players (9) ________ freedom to explore. Presented with (10) ________ sense of “freedom”, the first thing we tend to do is to see (11) ________ (12) ________ can attack – and in an RPG, that’s often the initial quest-giver. So while some high elf is telling (13) ________ (14) ________ about the 1,000 year war (15) ________ has plagued (16) ________ land, I’m just trying to decapitate (обезглавить) (17) ________.
Perhaps in the future, developers will create characters (18) ________ will react in real-time to (19) ________ you do.
Упражнение 4. Translate the Russian fragments into English using the correct pronouns.Переведите, используя корректное английское местоимение.
Ответы к упражнениям.
Exercise 1. 1 mine, 2 mine, 3 our, 4 your, 5 hers, 6 your / yours, 7 our / theirs
Exercise 2. 1 B, 2 B, 3 C, 4 C, 5 A, 6 B, 7 B, 8 C, 9 A, 10 B, 11 C, 12 A, 13 C, 15 C, 16 C, 17 A, 18 A, 19 B, 20 C, 21 C, 22 A, 23 B
Exercise 3. 1 All, 2 that, 3 us, 4 them, 5 which, 6 that, 7 you, 8 which, 9 little, 10 this, 11 whom, 12 we, 13 me, 14 all, 15 that, 16 his, 17 him, 18 who, 19 whatever
Exercise 4. 1 Neither, 2 the others, 3 few, 4 none, 5 another, 6 each, 7 any other, 8 the other, 9 none, 10 every, 11 nothing / nothing, 12 very little, 13 a few / the other, 14 a little, 15 another, 16 the others, 17 very little, 18 some, 19 everything, 20 much, 21 herself, 22 ourselves, 23 any
Основная часть материала для статьи была взята из Лексико-грамматического практикума для 11 класса. Авторы – Карневская, Курочкина, Фастовец.
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Переведи на английский язык:он – 3. они – 5. я – 7. она –мы – 4. ты – 6. оно – 8. вы –
Переведи на русский язык:my – 3. our – 5. his – your – 4. their – 6. her –7. its –
III. Соотнеси личные местоимения с притяжательными:1. I a. her2. you b. our3. he ····························· Вставь подходящие по смыслу местоимения:He is a boy. name is Bill.She is a girl. name is Mary.We have got a cat. cat is grey. What is name? – My name is Tom.Her name is Helen. is nine.I have got a dog. name is Rex.Mike has got two friends. names are Ben and Bob.Vanya and Sasha are pupils. are clever.How old are you? – am ten.I and Billy play in the park. are happy.
V. Замени выделенное слово подходящими местоимениями:1. Bob is clever.a. His b. ·He c. She2. Helen and Kate are from London.a. We b. They c. She3. Ann’s cat is white.a. She b. Our c. Her4. I and my friend like ice-cream.a. We b. They c. Our5. My friend’s name is Pete.a. Its b. Their c. His6. The dog’s name is Sharik.a. Its b. Our c. Her7. The children’s names are Vova and Dima.a. Our b. They c. Their8. My ball is big.a. Its b. He c. It9. My mother is a teacher.a. My b. She c. Her10. The friends are kind.a. They b. We c. She
1. he 3. they 5. I 7. she2. we 4. you 6. it 8. You
1. мой 3. наш 5. его2. твой, ваш 4. их 6. её7. его (неодуш.)
1с, 2е, 3g, 4a, 5f, 6b, 7d
1. His2. She3. Our4. your5. Her6. Its7. Their8. They9. I10. We
1. b2. b 3. c4. a5. c6. a7. c8. c9. b10. a
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Автор: katrin 30.10.2016
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