Никогда не обещай, что уходишь навсегда- слово горькое «прощай» не простится никогда. Ты и сам не понимал и не думал, не гадал, что я все-таки люблю. Знаешь, больше никогда ни за что и никуда я тебя не отпущу;
ПРИПЕВ: А нам раскладывал пасьянс осенний лес цветным резным ковром, что падает с небес; но правду знали лишь густые тополя, то, как в лесу я заблудилась без тебя.
Никогда не вспоминай осуждений и обид. Никого не обвиняй: не затронешь — не болит. Я простила все давно, словно сладкое вино отогрело душу мне. Только помнит забытье, что случилось это все наяву, а не во сне.
Никогда не торопи день, в котором ты живешь. Что имеешь береги, потеряешь — не вернешь. Мне не грезится покой, но мне хочется с тобой каждый миг остановить. Значит, просто, дорогой, этим небом и землей нам завещано любить!
Never say : something that was never found again . Never say : And the same shall not go in the water . I could not believe myself, that razluchnitsa - fate we lose the bet. Just the word "never" , the word "Never" never say .Never Promise that leaving navsegda- bitter word "goodbye" never forgive . You and he did not understand and thought , not wondering I still love you. You know, more than ever for nothing and nowhere I will not let you ;
CHORUS: And we played patience autumn forest carved colored carpet that falls from the sky ; but the truth was known only to the thick poplar , then, as I got lost in the woods without you.
Never bring convictions and offenses . Do not blame anyone : zatronesh not - does not hurt. I forgave all the long , like sweet wine warmed my soul . Just remember oblivion what happened is all reality and not a dream .
Never rush day in which you live. Take care of what you have , lose - will not return. I do not dream of peace, but I want you every moment to stop . So , just up the road , that heaven and earth bequeathed to us to love!
рейтинг: ★★★★★ / 5.1 / 1119 просмотров
Identifying the bodies which are decomposed, dismembered, skeletonised pose very serious problems. We've had many cases in this department where a body has been found in pieces, or decomposed, and we've been able to put things together. Yes, the head, the upper part of the body, in a very badly decomposed state..." Excised and anatomised, deviscerated disarray The torso diverged with pride Deftly amputated, evulsed limbs now defunct The trunk imbrued, tatty stumps used as lugs For a chondrin puzzle so quaint Head and body decollate heaving mass so quiescent... Scattered and scrambled, your teasement grows - bloody caricature to make whole squirming grisly jigsaw, detrital fragments fit so snug - That missing piece will leave you stumped Totally desassembled, nicely sliced and diced - cold mannequin once resembled Real cranium teaser, carved from flesh and bone - So mystifying... Battered and diffused, with placating blows - human jigsaw to make whole sequacious pattern which once [bad word] so snug - Joining together each dubious lump Ravaged disassembly, neatly cubed and diced - cold mannequin reassembled Astute brain teaser, incorporate flesh and bone So mortifying... An incessant game - methodically made With each cumulative piecing - of commensated meat... Bi-manual reconstruction, eldritch problem complete convented effigy pathological toy, each chunk rigorously Inter mortis locking, as you pathogenically rot Such a perplexing task To fit the remains in the casket Uliginous mess so quiescent... (Lead: Human Jigsaw by W.G. Steer) (Lead: heaving organic puzzle by M. Amott) An incessant game - methodically made With each cumulative piece - of commensated meat.Послушать/Cкачать эту песню
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рейтинг: ★★★★☆ / 4.2 / 204 просмотра
Identifying the bodies which are decomposed, dismembered, skeletonised pose very serious problems. We've had many cases in this department where a body has been found in pieces, or decomposed, and we've been able to put things together. Yes, the head, the upper part of the body, in a very badly decomposed state..." Excised and anatomised, deviscerated disarray The torso diverged with pride Deftly amputated, evulsed limbs now defunct The trunk imbrued, tatty stumps used as lugs For a chondrin puzzle so quaint Head and body decollate heaving mass so quiescent... Scattered and scrambled, your teasement grows - bloody caricature to make whole squirming grisly jigsaw, detrital fragments fit so snug - That missing piece will leave you stumped Totally desassembled, nicely sliced and diced - cold mannequin once resembled Real cranium teaser, carved from flesh and bone - So mystifying... Battered and diffused, with placating blows - human jigsaw to make whole sequacious pattern which once [bad word] so snug - Joining together each dubious lump Ravaged disassembly, neatly cubed and diced - cold mannequin reassembled Astute brain teaser, incorporate flesh and bone So mortifying... An incessant game - methodically made With each cumulative piecing - of commensated meat... Bi-manual reconstruction, eldritch problem complete convented effigy pathological toy, each chunk rigorously Inter mortis locking, as you pathogenically rot Such a perplexing task To fit the remains in the casket Uliginous mess so quiescent... (Lead: Human Jigsaw by W.G. Steer) (Lead: heaving organic puzzle by M. Amott) An incessant game - methodically made With each cumulative piece - of commensated meat.Послушать/Cкачать эту песню
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Am, F, G, Am - F, G, E, Am 08.12.2006 14:49 It loses its value , Everything is flying into the void , When will remain to eternity , One in the autumn forest . To him, your life is just a moment , Nothing, And when you sorvёshsya to cry , He just smile hides . After all, it loses its value , And everything is flying into the void , When will remain to eternity , One in the autumn forest . Your words just sound Rend the air , His words will turn back the clock , But you can not understand them. You're too long in the vanities of the world Wallow in doubt , You think he knows himself who , But it loses its value , And everything is flying into the void , When will remain to eternity , One in the autumn forest . Опрос: Верный ли текст песни? Да НетВконтакте Мой мир Одноклассники Google+