I sit and leaf through school your album how many memories store its pages seems years porleteli one day and school corridors all continue to dream seems as before we sit at a desk and here 's the bell to call the lesson nachanalos and all with the usual stat when we crossed the threshold of the school
for 10 years , we have spent in school These 10 years have eaten into the soul to pain these 10 years as a surf event memory stirs a wave remember earlier always go together were inseparable as clouds and sky loved poprikalyvatsya could not sit still not ashamed that you look ridiculous always waiting for summer discussed secrets liked to sit in the dining room seems to be dressed fotkalis in school classrooms on the background loved zapechetlen politrila highlights where is the time it is a child somewhere where we will not be back because of this increased
I sit and leaf through school your album how many memories store its pages seems years porleteli one day and school corridors all continue to dream seems as before we sit at a desk and here 's the bell to call the lesson nachanalos and all with the usual stat when we crossed the threshold of the school
but once come September 1 and we were already 11 klassnkii remained only a year our school life remember gnashing breakwater grated on board then the value of every minute was and if in the dark teacher's voice from outside that you are the creator of your route last year we avoided corridors Walked around the school during recess touched the wall feeling that this native not believe that this place will leave soon sea of tears we cry at the last day forget all grudges Remember all the gossip trembling hands wrote wishes painted in diaries each other goodbye prom was the final frame from our school archive the day everyone had fun everyone was happy and after time remember wistfully .
I sit and leaf through school your album how many memories store its pages seems years porleteli one day and school corridors all continue to dream seems as before we sit at a desk and here 's the bell to call the lesson nachanalos and all with the usual stat when we crossed the threshold of the school .
Do not forget school and do not forget each other ...
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Quickly pass the school year, Children grow and grow forever, Pranks, toys, we forget Increased girlfriends, all in love with someone. A childhood spent, very sorry, Everything passes, again ends in February And March begins, spring Our youth's time to fly away from the yard Grown-up, we will address the issues. Dosvidaniya childhood, after we say Memory will bask, remembering the days of thy And call cheerful accompanies us Dosvidaniya school, Song for saying good cute class A childhood spent, very sorry, Everything passes, again ends in February And March begins, spring Our youth's time to fly away from the yard Grown-up, we will address the issues. Memories of childhood close and yet so far Sometimes fleeting as the deep ocean All the more expensive all the heart asks Suddenly out of me forever Gone forever and will never come back Sounds last song sounds the last time. Goodbye to school farewell favorite class. A childhood spent, very sorry, Everything passes, again ends in February And March begins, spring Our youth's time to fly away from the yard Grown-up, we will address the issues. Опрос: Верный ли текст песни? Да НетВконтакте Мой мир Одноклассники Google+
Today I will show you one place Where each spent his wondrous childhood As if there had been taught in the way life is On the lighter life blessed us
Responsibility they have instilled in us We are six in the morning , walked like a zombie Sticky porridge for breakfast , yeah Turning the plate it will not fall He tiled floor on the second floor Wow , how many people were killed there already Nurse we formed Nitsche except that alcohol does not know it
Music stop! The bell rang ! We run all quiet catch lesson A vain fled replacement again Music teacher went drinking
We are taught to tolerate and love all around What should we be a teacher as a friend And what kind of friend who takes bribes And you can not please - zagryzet " No you can not get out - there was a change! " " The attendant who? Not myta board ! " " With your view , what happened the problem?" " So , as well, in class! Silence ! "
Lessons - it does not matter . We make them Somehow surrender control for two But attention to - eat stop And maybe then we'll respect you We have introduced a form : white top - black bottom And our little ass are taught covering We will always be silent in the classroom Just turn off your phone sometimes
Up to the lesson ! Why late? With lesson calls - teacher sign Gum under the desk and someone's snot The toilet has some screams are heard And by the way the toilet - an elite place Impossible to get on change in general There induce or older marafet Or someone hamster uneaten lunch
Rusichka we do not call , and call Fizruk not miss the time to smoke Our himichka prevents Medicine And we all fizichka fools and fools Director of the school is almost never In Egypt, he again mummies digs Only head teachers in school all run In the dining room they devour bread
Not talk about sad . we wean Will not be in our lives this shkoloty We will be happy . We will love We will listen to , and not a pointer to beat And they will remember to speak As someone because of them grasped talent But it will be yet to come Now shkolotu patience
Звучит последний звонок мы уходим-проститеПрощайте учителя и в сердце хранитеПоверьте нам больно, больно до слезНо мы уходим, мы уходим всерьезПусть стены школы хранят наши лицаВ виде жизнь идет и не остановитьсяМне очень больно, не могу найти словПусть помнят выпуск нашего года
Я так этого хотел в то же время я боялсяВступить в новую жизнь,одному остатьсяПокинуть свою школу, свой второй родной домТеперь это случилось, я не верю-это сонРасставаться со школой нам очень тяжелоЧасть нашей жизни в ней и прошлоМы уходим не навсегда, мы вернемсяВернемся как прошлой, мы клянемсяБудем вспоминать наши прошлые дни
Веди не будет перемен, мы останемся одниСпасибо девчонкам, Спасибо пацанамЯ буду хранить в сердце и скучать по вамЗа то, что выручали меня в трудный моментЗа то, что жили дружно и жили то без бедЯ говорю честно, что вы моя семьяЯ люблю вас всех, вы со мной навсегда Выпускной, праздник и карнавалНастал долгожданный школьный балТанцевали дети и учителяБудем все вместе, мы дружная семьяПрозвенел наш последний звонокЖизнь нам готовит новый урокВот настал наш горький часКогда нужно оставить классМы честью считали и гордилисьЧто в 16 школе мы училисьУчителя и друзья писали желаньяЕще немножко и расставаниеМы сдали экзамены,закончилась школаХотелось бы остаться, нам здесь сноваМы в слезы и страданьяВсем вам спасибо и до свиданьяЗвучит последний звонок мы уходим-проститеПрощайте учителя и в сердце хранитеПоверьте нам больно, больно до слезНо мы уходим, мы уходим всерьезПусть стены школы хранят наши лицаВ виде жизнь идет и не остановитьсяМне очень больно, не могу найти словПусть помнят выпуск нашего года
Мы всех вас любим и будем помнить и скучать, не забывайте нас мы вас очень любим, и не хотим расставаться с вами прощайте мы вас всех любим
Дожди и слезыНам помогут узнать, кто мы..Мой класс, я люблю вас,Я не забуду вас..Прощай, школа,Мы уходим теперь надолго..И пусть грустно,Полагайтесь на свои чувства..
Пройдут года, мы будем вспоминать с улыбкойНаши промахи, наши глупые ошибки.А Миша будет слать привет нам с Америки,А мы пускать бумажные кораблики по реке.Оставайтесь людьми, такими, какие вы есть,Храните память в сердце и свою честь,О былых годах, о счастье и о дружбе,Пусть и будет грустно,Поверьте - так нужно.Я желаю счастья вам, пусть сбудутся мечты,Я уверен, ваши корабли найдут гавани.И мой класс, я люблю вас.Я помню вас.Я не забуду вас никогда..
Дожди и слезыНам помогут узнать, кто мы..Мой класс, я люблю вас,Я не забуду вас..Прощай, школа,Мы уходим теперь надолго..И пусть грустно,Полагайтесь на свои чувства.. Другие тексты песен "пеня"
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SCHOOL RAP 1. Why do we go to school ? Yes, every man for his own. Here Dimka for fun and Vaska after him . Rita And for that to show outfits . Olya And for that to know all the news . Chorus: And you and me. Tell me, why did you go to school? And you tell me friends for you , that means school ? 2 . Sergei here, for example , does not study at all, But he was a bully in school first and an athlete. And Valya on all subjects has five , But because she had no time to walk ratings . 3 . Tanya told me that the school is just class! Especially when you do not ask us! With lessons darkness , but this whole joke ! After all, if no lessons , the school and will not be ! Chorus: And you and me. Tell me, why did you go to school? And you tell me friends for you , that means school ? And I , and I, I go to school to learn! And I know , and I know it to me in good stead Опрос: Верный ли текст песни? Да НетВконтакте Мой мир Одноклассники Google+
![]() | Просмотров: 1210 чел. считают текст песни верным0 чел. считают текст песни неверным На этой странице находится текст песни Песня про школу - Школа это мир, а также перевод песни и видео или клип.
1) There will come a sad hour , ends lesson Leaving behind strict calls. We will leave out the door to a favorite schoolyard And he will remember our quiet footsteps . Chorus: School - this is the world , the whole world - a mosaic of stories Flashes bright feelings , fireworks - a cool show. There is no place of sadness , smile , Believe in yourself - is worthy of every live just as he dreamed of as a child . 2) We have lived for so many years as one big family , But soon scatter in all directions , Only in dreams back to us , familiar friends gam And kiss, first forgive . Chorus: School - a world . The world of love , peace tears world of the senses , the world of dreams , A world in which everyone was , Of which go back one day. There even with a thirst not come back twice. Where day after day dreaming about that go for happiness , Find happiness different suits , but here there is no adversity , Adversity there we will find a school here Where always understand where love and expect . School world where you - the idol 3) This world is me once and forever changed , Gave me the knowledge , hopes , new roads opened . I was looking for , I dreamed a long time coming and coming. What I want to do , its time to find. I was sitting in class, I fell in love and faith . Every day I open new doors . And used to swear, but I did not take offense It is unfortunate that I have already parted with the school . Chorus: Опрос: Верный ли текст песни? Да НетВконтакте Мой мир Одноклассники Google+